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School board warns against hyaluronic acid injections on Instagram

Many young girls want to have beautiful skin or full lips like their social media stars. This is leading to a dangerous trend that even the school authorities are now warning against.

A model gets an injection of hyaluronic acid.
A model gets an injection of hyaluronic acid.

Society - School board warns against hyaluronic acid injections on Instagram

Under the slogan "Don't let just anyone touch your skin", the Hamburg school authorities warn in a post on Instagram about the risks of hyaluronic acid injections for smoother skin or fuller lips. "The Hamburg police asked us to address this topic in a youth-friendly way so that young people are warned of the risks and generally educated on the subject, as more and more young people are having hyaluronic acid injections performed by non-medical staff, which unfortunately often lead to complications," said spokesman Peter Albrecht on Wednesday. The topic was taken up by the Youth Information Center (JIZ) and posted on Instagram @schulbehoerde by the school authority's social media team. The "Hamburger Abendblatt" newspaper first reported.

"Skin as if painted, without wrinkles, smooth and firm - that's how it shines out at us on advertising posters and that's how our favorite stars have it anyway. This ideal also seems to be the standard by which people measure themselves on social media. That's why many people use filters to appear in their pictures and videos with flawless skin," the article says. The hype surrounding Kylie Jenner's lips, for example, was emulated by numerous young girls. Many even opt for treatment with Botox or hyaluronic acid.

In the post on Instagram, a young woman warns of the consequences of unprofessional hyaluronic acid injections. These procedures should only be carried out by qualified medical professionals. Improper treatment could lead to infections and inflammation, allergic reactions, bulges or bumps due to overfilling. In the worst case scenario, vascular occlusion could even lead to dead tissue and blindness. "At this point, we should urgently have a discourse about the fact that this trend contributes to idealistic beauty standards and can encourage people to undergo unnecessary aesthetic procedures," the post continues.

Post on Instagram Jugendserver Hamburg

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