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Scholz urges a faster pace in building infrastructure for renewable energy.

Chancellor Scholz guarantees faster construction processes and less bureaucratic obstacles for businesses, including those focusing on renewable energy. He believes the Eastern region is thriving with billions invested in new ventures.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (l, SPD) and Frank Nehring, President of the East German Economic...
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (l, SPD) and Frank Nehring, President of the East German Economic Forum (OWF), sit on stage at the East German Economic Forum in the Theater am See.

Government financial strategy - Scholz urges a faster pace in building infrastructure for renewable energy.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) plans to speed up the completion of construction projects, with a particular focus on the growth of renewable energy. "We're not there yet, but we're giving it our all," Scholz stated on Sunday at the Ostdeutsche Wirtschaftsforum in Brandenburg's Bad Saarow. The need for increased speed in bureaucracy reduction is now a priority.

During a three-day conference, leaders in the economy, government, and science discuss the impact of the shift in Eastern Germany's economic power. The event takes place during a period of ongoing economic challenges and uncertainty for companies.

Scholz mentioned that with the initial acceleration packages, the federal government has already made significant progress in the expansion statistics and approval times for renewable energies. Next, a major reform of the Federal Immission Control Act is on the horizon - a law that will simplify the construction process for wind turbines and factories by embracing more digitalization and eliminating bureaucratic barriers.

Scholz pointed out that files are often packed with extensive documents. "We don't need to slow down progress just because a wind turbine or an electrolyzer could negatively impact certain bird or flower species. But when it comes to building new lines, setting up a new energy supply, or climate-friendly production, it's about environmental and climate protection. We can no longer afford to obstruct all that just to protect a flower that could grow a bit further." That's why the government now emphasizes "digitalized processes that can speed things up, clearer deadline regulations, and early project starts," said the Chancellor.

Scholz described the economic location in Eastern Germany as a success story. "Especially in Eastern Germany, a true re-industrialization is happening," he said, focusing on international investors like Tesla, Catl, Intel, Infineon, Amazon, and TMSC who've made billion-dollar investments in the region.

Eastern Germany benefits from larger industrial estates than other countries and an increase in locally produced renewable energy. "This is a self-made location advantage that will become increasingly important in future location decisions," Scholz said. As a result, expanding renewable energy needs to be accompanied by development in the grid.

Scholz commended the commitment and drive in Eastern Germany, highlighting an initiative in Brandenburg. The state government is collaborating with major network operators to speed up the power grid's expansion there. "Hands-on-east - I hope this will also be a model elsewhere."

Read also:

  1. Olaf Scholz, the Federal Chancellor and leader of the SPD, emphasized the need for a faster pace in the construction of renewable energy infrastructure during his speech at the Ostdeutsche Wirtschaftsforum in Brandenburg's Bad Saarow on Sunday.
  2. The company representatives who attended the three-day conference discussed the impact of the shift in Eastern Germany's economic power, which is currently facing economic challenges and uncertainties.
  3. Scholz highlighted the progress made by the federal government in expanding renewable energies, thanks to the initial acceleration packages and shorter approval times, and mentioned a major reform of the Federal Immission Control Act, which will simplify the construction process for wind turbines and factories in the future.
  4. The Chancellor criticized the prolonged approval process for renewable energy projects, citing bird and flower species protection as one of the reasons, but emphasized the need for faster digitalized processes, clearer deadline regulations, and early project starts to advance environmental and climate protection.
  5. Scholz praised the economic location in Eastern Germany, noting the successful investment by international companies like Tesla, Catl, Intel, Infineon, Amazon, and TMSC, and emphasized the importance of expanding renewable energy alongside improvements to the grid infrastructure.
  6. Scholz commended the commitment and drive in Eastern Germany, specifically mentioning Brandenburg's collaboration with major network operators to speed up the power grid's expansion as a model example that could be replicated elsewhere.
  7. The acceleration in building projects and economic policies, such as the expansion of renewable energies, are crucial for Germany's economic future and is a crucial part of Olaf Scholz's economic policy agenda that aims to lead Germany towards a greener and more sustainable future.



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