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Scholz supports major demonstration against anti-Semitism in Berlin

Ahead of the planned major demonstration against anti-Semitism in Berlin, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also backed the cause. "Each and every individual can set an example against anti-Semitism, racism, hatred and hate speech in their everyday lives and raise their voice," the SPD...

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

Demonstration - Scholz supports major demonstration against anti-Semitism in Berlin

Ahead of the planned major demonstration against anti-Semitism in Berlin, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also backed the cause. "Each and every individual can set an example against anti-Semitism, racism, hatred and agitation in everyday life and raise their voice," the SPD politician said on Thursday, according to the organizers of the "Never again is now" rally registered for Sunday.

"The more voices are raised, the more effectively our society stands together against everything that endangers our social cohesion," Scholz added according to a statement. "That is the important message of 'Never again is now'."

The patron of the demonstration, organized by Berlin entrepreneur Nicolai Schwarzer, is Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD). "All citizens are called upon to show their faces in the middle of Berlin for peaceful and respectful coexistence and to oppose anti-Semitism, hatred, racism and xenophobia," says the call for demonstrators. The event is backed by a number of well-known personalities, companies, Christian churches, the German Football Association and others.

The demonstration is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. on December 10 at the Großer Stern and make its way to the Brandenburg Gate.

Website of the organizers

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