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Scholz: Stopping climate change and preserving prosperity at the same time

At the UN Climate Change Conference, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has called for "man-made climate change to be stopped and for us to be successful industrialized countries at the same time". The climate targets must be met and it must be achieved "that we secure the world's prosperity...

Scholz and Emirati head of state
Scholz and Emirati head of state

Scholz: Stopping climate change and preserving prosperity at the same time

He referred to the Climate Club, which was officially launched on Friday largely on Germany's initiative and whose current 36 members see themselves as pioneers in climate protection. Its main aim is to coordinate efforts to restructure the economy, such as the production of green steel and cement, largely by avoiding fossil fuels.

Accordingly, "the second major goal that must be achieved is the expansion of renewable energies", Scholz continued. One of the goals to be discussed at the climate conference should be tripling their output, he reiterated. Energy efficiency must also be improved.

"We are making progress, but not yet at the pace that is necessary," Scholz conceded, adding that further action was needed. Therefore, the world must not let up in the fight for more climate protection. The Chancellor welcomed the fact that on the first day of the conference in Dubai on Thursday, the new fund for climate-related damage, which is intended to support particularly vulnerable countries in coping with climate change, had already been made operational.

Scholz plans to address the plenary session of the conference in the morning. The Chancellor is taking part in the summit segment of the climate conference, for which more than 140 heads of state and government have come to Dubai for two days. Many speakers on Friday called for a rapid move away from fossil fuels.

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