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Scholz slated for appearance at summit discussing eastern Germany's potential as a thriving economic hub.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is slated to attend the launch of the East German Economic Forum (OWF) this Sunday (2 p.m.) in Bad Saarow, southeast of Berlin. Key business executives and association leaders will engage in discussions with politicians about the repercussions of structural...

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz takes part in the East German Economic Forum.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz takes part in the East German Economic Forum.

Finance Meeting - Scholz slated for appearance at summit discussing eastern Germany's potential as a thriving economic hub.

The East German corporate atmosphere grew a bit more positive in May, as indicated by the Economic Research Institute Ifo's Business Climate Index. The firms surveyed feel better about their current business situation and have slightly higher business outlooks compared to last month. On the other hand, Germany's federal government projects a 0.3% increase in national growth for this year.

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