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Scholz sees good chances for Democrat Harris in US-Presidential election

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) sees good chances for probable Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris in the presidential election on November 5th. "I consider it very likely that Kamala Harris will win the election", Scholz said in Berlin at his press conference marking the start...

Harris and Scholz at a meeting in February at the Munich Security Conference
Harris and Scholz at a meeting in February at the Munich Security Conference

Scholz sees good chances for Democrat Harris in US-Presidential election

The Chancellor referred to Harris, whom he had met on several occasions, as "a competent and experienced politician who knows what she does". The Deputy President of the United States Joe Biden's representative had "very clear ideas about the role of her country, developments in the world", as well as "the challenges we face".

Biden, who is 81 years old, announced his resignation from another candidacy on Sunday due to doubts about his mental and physical fitness and endorsed Harris instead. Shortly afterwards, Harris, who is 59 years old, reportedly had the support of enough delegates to be officially declared the Democratic nominee.

At the Presidential Election on November 5, Trump, the former President of the United States, is running for the Republicans. In a survey published on Tuesday by Reuters/Ipsos, Harris had 44 percent, two percentage points ahead of her Republican rival.

Scholz expressed his interest in the outcome of the US election during his summer press conference. "That's the superpower, that's the most powerful country in the world," he emphasized.

"And what happens there is of great significance for all countries in the world and, of course, especially for the closest allies of the USA in Europe and in Germany." It is clear that this important partnership "cannot depend on who the President of the United States is".

Therefore, the Chancellor is convinced that Germany and the USA will maintain good relations in the future, regardless of the election outcome. As in the past decades, the two countries "will be connected in good transatlantic cooperation" in the coming decades, he added, and referred to Germany's leadership role in terms of security and defense in Europe.

  1. Olaf Scholz commended Harris' competency and experience, having interacted with her multiple times as the US-President's deputy.
  2. During his summer press conference, Scholz expressed his keen interest in the outcome of the US-Presidential Election.
  3. Biden, amidst concerns about his fitness, endorsed Harris for the Democratic nominee, seeing her as the best chance to succeed.
  4. If victorious in the US Presidential Election, Kamala Harris would become the first female US-President.
  5. Scholz emphasized the significance of the US election for countries worldwide, particularly Europe and Germany, as the US is the most powerful nation.
  6. Harris currently leads her Republican rival by two percentage points in polls for the US Presidential Election on November 5.
  7. The Chancellor assured that Germany and the United States will maintain good relations regardless of the election outcome, reflecting their long-standing transatlantic cooperation.
  8. Following Biden's resignation, Harris had the support of sufficient delegates to be officially recognized as the Democratic candidate in the United States Presidential Election.

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