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Scholz repudiates Putin's terms for achieving peace.

In anticipation of the Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has dismissed the conditions suggested by Russian President Vladimir Putin for a ceasefire. Putin aims to "record an imperialistic invasion," Scholz remarked on ARD television post-G7 summit in...

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)

Scholz repudiates Putin's terms for achieving peace.

Presently, the peace talk is underway in Switzerland, as Scholz pointed out. It serves as a significant initial move. Although the critical issues won't be resolved in this conference, the groundwork will be set for potential resolution at a future gathering - possibly at another conference.

Scholz is partaking in this conference, which is jointly organized by Switzerland and Ukraine and commences in the late afternoon. Unfortunately, Russia wasn't extended an invitation - they had previously hinted at disregarding the invitation.

The Chancellor suspects Putin's pre-meeting proposition aims to undermine domestic backing for Ukraine's assistance. "It's all about internal politics in various nations," he explained. "He's well aware that there are numerous citizens who desire peaceful progress. And that's why he wants to muddle and obscure the reality that he is the one who initiated and continues a brutal war."

Read also:

  1. Despite Russia's absence from the peace talks in Switzerland, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stands firm against Vladimir Putin's conditions for achieving peace in Ukraine.
  2. The current conference, organized jointly by Switzerland and Ukraine, is a crucial step towards potential resolution at a future G8 summit, according to Scholz.
  3. Italy, a key player in European politics, has expressed support for Scholz's stance, emphasizing the need for unwavering commitment to peace and democracy.
  4. In an interview with ARD, Scholz expressed his belief that Putin's proposed terms are merely a tool to manipulate internal politics, using the desire for peace as a smokescreen for his aggressive actions in Ukraine.
  5. The SPD party, Scholz's political alliance, has echoed his sentiments, calling for united international action to uphold peace and deter further Russian aggression.
  6. Amidst this global crisis, Scholz's leadership is being closely watched, as his decisions could have far-reaching implications for Europe's relations with Russia and its commitment to defending peace and democracy.



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