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Scholz emphasizes the importance of geothermal energy and hydrogen

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has emphasized the importance of geothermal energy and hydrogen for Germany's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2045. "Geothermal energy has great potential for heat supply in Germany and can also be used to generate electricity in certain areas," said...

Olaf Scholz (r) with Andre Kloth, Managing Director of DiGOS at the German Research Center
Olaf Scholz (r) with Andre Kloth, Managing Director of DiGOS at the German Research Center for Geosciences.

Climate crisis - Scholz emphasizes the importance of geothermal energy and hydrogen

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has emphasized the importance of geothermal energy and hydrogen for Germany's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2045. "Geothermal energy has great potential for heat supply in Germany and can also be used to generate electricity in certain areas," said Scholz on Monday during a visit to the Potsdam Science Park. In addition to renewable energies, hydrogen is also an important building block for the energy transition. "We need hydrogen as a key gas for the industrial use of the future."

As an SPD member of the Bundestag, Scholz visited the Geo Research Center (GFZ) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in his Potsdam constituency to find out about research findings. Professor Susanne Buiter, Director of the GFZ, explained that 25 percent of Germany's heating requirements could be covered by geothermal energy. However, this would also require public funding, for example to enable smaller municipal utilities to drill deep wells.

In addition, the subsurface could also be used to store hydrogen or carbon dioxide, said Buiter. The GFZ is preparing a demonstration facility for hydrogen storage in Ketzin. In 2017, the GFZ completed the first European project there to store a total of 67,000 tons of CO2. However, funding of 10 to 15 million euros was still lacking for testing hydrogen storage in the porous rock, Buiter told the Chancellor.

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