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Scholz dismisses calls for boycott of Israeli goods as 'despicable'

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) rejected calls for a boycott of Israeli goods and services in response to the Gaza conflict. "A government led by me will not support a boycott of goods, services, and goods from Israel," Scholz said in Berlin at his press conference marking the start of the...

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at his summer press conference.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at his summer press conference.

Scholz dismisses calls for boycott of Israeli goods as 'despicable'

The Chancellor also emphasized that Germany does not hold criticism of Israel behind closed doors. The German government formulates its positions towards Israel "clearly and explicitly" - "publicly as well as in private". This includes the conviction that there is "a perspective for two states living side by side" in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. This "two-state solution as a perspective" is "urgently needed". Therefore, it is "right that we make this clear at every opportunity", added Scholz.

There has been war in the Gaza Strip for almost ten months. It was triggered by an attack from Hamas fighters and other militant Palestinian groups on Israel on October 7. According to Israeli estimates, 1195 people were killed and 251 were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip.

As a reaction to the attack, Israel has been acting massively militarily in the Gaza Strip since then. According to the health ministry of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, which cannot be independently verified, over 39,100 people have been killed in the meantime.

  1. Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor of Germany, emphasized that Germany openly expresses its views on Israel, avoiding any hidden criticism.
  2. Scholz emphasized the belief in a "two-state solution" as a necessary perspective in the conflict between Israel and Palestinians.
  3. Germany, under Chancellor Scholz, advocates for this "two-state solution" both publicly and privately towards Israel.
  4. In the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, which has lasted nearly ten months, Israel responded militarily after an attack from Hamas and other Palestinian groups.
  5. The Federal government in Berlin, led by Cholz, has not supported any form of boycott against Israel due to the conflict.
  6. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have reported over 39,100 casualties since Israel launched its military actions, according to Hamas's health ministry.
  7. Despite the ongoing conflict, Scholz reiterated Germany's demand for peace and a resolution that benefits both Israeli and Palestinian services.

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