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Scholz champions increased collaboration among European allies.

The ILA air show serves as a platform for displaying the defense industry's capabilities. The Chancellor highlights the significance of the sector and acknowledges that it previously enjoyed too much freedom.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD, l) during a tour of the ILA at BER Airport.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD, l) during a tour of the ILA at BER Airport.

Military sector - Scholz champions increased collaboration among European allies.

The German government, led by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has guaranteed long-term support for the country's defense industry in expanding their production capabilities. Speaking at the kickoff of the International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, Scholz, an SPD politician, emphasized the importance of a self-sustaining European and German defense sector that can consistently manufacture a range of weapons and ammunition. Previously, politics in Germany had overlooked the industry's needs. But Scholz stated, "That ends now. The illegal attack by Russia on Ukraine has made Germany face a new security policy reality."

Due to time constraints, some weapon systems will be obtained from partners who already possess marketable products. "We can't wait for everything. Rapidity is essential, but it's just one element," Scholz noted. Meanwhile, he is pushing hard for the safeguarding and expansion of production facilities. Thus, during this legislative cycle, an additional 20 Eurofighters will be ordered, on top of the 38 aircraft that are already in the order pipeline.

Cooperation between European partners is crucial, according to the Chancellor. "We can't allow Europe to have a significantly larger number of contending weapons systems compared to, say, the United States," he explained. Fewer systems are needed, he continued, with each system reflecting the strengths of the respective industries. This move would result in better interoperability between European armed forces and higher quantities. Scholz wants the German industry to "take center stage."

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