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Scholz calls for faster pace in energy transition construction projects.

Faster construction processes, less obstructions, particularly for renewable energy initiatives are promised by Chancellor Scholz to the economy, he anticipates the East's triumph with billions in fresh investments.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) answers participants' questions at the East German Economic...
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) answers participants' questions at the East German Economic Forum in the Theater am See.

business - Scholz calls for faster pace in energy transition construction projects.

The German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is set to drive the pace of construction projects, including the expansion of renewable energies. Speaking at the East German Economic Forum in Bad Saarow on Sunday, Scholz expressed his determination towards achieving this goal, stating that "we're still a long way off, but we're going after it with full force." This annual conference hosts economic association leaders, business representatives, politicians, and scientists, who discuss the challenges and effects of structural change in eastern Germany's economy during these uncertain times.

With the introduction of the first acceleration packages, the federal government has already made considerable progress in speeding up expansion figures and approval times for renewable energy projects. Next up is the significant reform of the Federal Immission Control Act, which hasn't seen an update in three decades. This law will pave the way for faster construction of wind turbines and industrial facilities, including through increased digitalization and removal of bureaucratic hurdles.

Heavily bureaucratic processes have been an issue. Scholz noted that investigation files typically filled vast amounts of space in filing cabinets. "I don't want to cause harm to the environment or wildlife. However, when it comes to building new power lines or establishing new energy supplies, it's all about environmental and climate protection. We can't continue to hold back these developments for the sake of a flower that may flower a few meters further," he claimed. The government now plans on prioritizing "fully digitalized processes with greater opportunities to reduce these processes, clearer deadline regulations, and early construction starts," Scholz assured.

Scholz considers eastern Germany a success story, citing a "re-industrialization" taking place there. He mentioned investors such as Tesla, Catl, Intel, Infineon, Amazon and TSMC who have made billion-dollar investments in the region. Specifically, eastern Germany boasts larger industrial estates and produces more renewable energy than other countries. To continue this momentum, renewable energy expansion must be accompanied by grid expansion.

Scholz lauded the initiative and drive seen in eastern Germany and highlighted a Brandenburg example. The state government intends to collaborate with large network operators to speed up the expansion of the power grid. "Hands-on-east - I hope this serves as a model elsewhere," Scholz expressed his hope.

Read also:

  1. Scholz emphasized the need for acceleration in constructing projects related to the energy transition, particularly in renewable energy expansion.
  2. The federal government, under Scholz's leadership, has introduced acceleration packages to boost expansion figures and approval times for renewable energy projects.
  3. The significant reform of the Federal Immission Control Act is on the horizon, aiming to speed up construction of wind turbines and industrial facilities in Germany.
  4. Scholz urged for digitalization and the removal of bureaucratic hurdles to streamline construction processes, prioritizing environmental and climate protection.
  5. In eastern Germany, Scholz sees a success story with re-industrialization, citing investments from companies like Tesla and TSMC, contributing to the region's industrial estates and renewable energy production.
  6. To stay competitive, the expansion of renewable energy must be accompanied by grid expansion in eastern Germany, as highlighted by Olaf Scholz.
  7. Scholz commended the Brandenburg state government's collaboration with large network operators, aiming to boost the power grid expansion for a more sustainable future.
  8. With aspirations to become a leading location for business and energy, the Federal Chancellor emphasized the importance of overcoming obstacles for faster construction in renewable energy projects.
  9. Scholz led discussions at the East German Economic Forum in Bad Saarow, calling for a unified effort in accelerating construction, renewable energies, and economic policy advancement in Germany.



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