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Scholz attends clinic's anniversary celebration in Cottbus.

The state theater in Cottbus.
The state theater in Cottbus.

Leading Executive of the Federal Government - Scholz attends clinic's anniversary celebration in Cottbus.

federal chancellor olaf scholz (spd) attends a swanky shindig at the carl-thiem-clinicum in cottbus on a wednesday night (7 pm). this soiree takes place at the cottbus state theater, where the unveiling of a fresh medical university on the premises will also be celebrated. the latter university is part of the transition deal in the lusatia region once coal mining ends, and the pioneer students will commence their studies during wintersemester 2026/27. brandenburg's president dietmar woidke (spd) has also confirmed his attendance at the glitzy event.

Read also:

  1. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, from Germany's SPD party, expresses his support for the upcoming medical university in Cottbus during the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum's anniversary celebration, which also includes the unveiling of a new research focus in the field of health sciences.
  2. The SPD political leaders, including Chancellor Scholz and Brandenburg's President Dietmar Woidke, emphasize the importance of education and research in various sectors, such as healthcare and science, at the ceremony held in Brandenburg's Cottbus.
  3. Amidst the celebratory tone of the ceremony, German politicians, including Olaf Scholz, voice their commitment to supporting hospitals and improving the quality of healthcare services, ensuring that Cottbus remains a hub for medical innovation in the region of Brandenburg and Germany.
  4. Several political leaders from both the regional and national levels, including Chancellor Scholz and SPD politicians, emphasize their dedication to increasing research and education investments, ensuring that the transition from coal mining to scientific and technological innovations in Cottbus is successful.
  5. Olaf Scholz, as the country's federal chancellor, demonstrates his commitment to boosting Germany's scientific and medical sectors by attending the Carl-Thiem-Clinicum's anniversary celebration in Cottbus, highlighting the significance of these fields for the country's long-term development and growth.



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