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Scholz asserts that violence is never acceptable.

After incidents of violence at political gatherings, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has declared a response to these occurrences. At the East German Economic Forum in Bad Saarow, Brandenburg, the SPD politician stressed on Sunday that violence towards any type of politician, be it from the...

Candles, flowers and a piece of paper with the inscription "Against Terror" stand at the scene of...
Candles, flowers and a piece of paper with the inscription "Against Terror" stand at the scene of the crime on the market square.

Radical views or actions. - Scholz asserts that violence is never acceptable.

Scholz warned all wrongdoers, "Don't undervalue our capabilities. We're a democratic country, and we won't stand for such actions. We'll use every legal and just method available to confront you."

He mentioned the knife assault targeting an Islam-critical gathering in Mannheim, causing seven wounds, as well as the attack on the CDU Bundestag member Roderich Kiesewetter at a polling station in Aalen near Stuttgart. Scholz emphasized the police officer's critical condition, saying, "We pray that he can make it through this ordeal."

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