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Scholz answers questions from MPs in the Bundestag

In the Bundestag's last week of sessions before the summer break, Chancellor Olaf Scholz will face questions from MPs on Wednesday (1 p.m.). The Chancellor will open the government questioning with a short speech on a topic of his own choice, after which the MPs will be able to question him on...

Scholz in the Bundestag
Scholz in the Bundestag

Scholz answers questions from MPs in the Bundestag

After the interrogation in the plenary session, the Chancellor will participate in a session of the European Committee of the Bundestag (2:30 p.m.). In the further course of the plenary session, the MPs will debate, on the request of the CDU/CSU, about crime committed by people with a migration background in a current hour (2:55 p.m). The coalition's plan for changing the Bundestag's rules of procedure is also on the agenda: With this change, the rules for order calls in the plenary session are to be tightened (6:00 p.m).

During the summer break, many members of parliament take a break from their parliamentary duties. Following the summer break, the scheduled meeting week begins. Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to deliver a speech during the meeting week at the European Committee of the Bundestag. Regarding the CDU/CSU's request, members of parliament will discuss crime committed by individuals with a migration background in the plenary session.

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