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Scholz announces "many smart measures" for the economy - he leaves details open

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) continues to keep a low profile with regard to the budget discussions of the coalition leaders. The measures envisaged for a "growth turbo" contain "a lot of very clever measures", Scholz said on Wednesday in the government questioning of the Bundestag. "I...

Scholz in the cabinet on Wednesday
Scholz in the cabinet on Wednesday

Scholz announces "many smart measures" for the economy - he leaves details open

The Chancellor did not want to name the details. He only mentioned that the planned "Growth Surge" would be presented this month by the coalition along with the budget for 2025. However, in coalition meetings, "many concrete proposals have already come together, with complete agreement on them."

CDU budget expert Mathias Middelberg accused the Chancellor of keeping the Bundestag in the dark through fiscal policy secrecy. He criticized Scholz directly, "that you keep internally debating and then suddenly present the budget to the Bundestag." This is an "impossible way to deal with the parliament," which ultimately must approve this budget, said Middelberg.

The SPD, a key member of the coalition, has been actively involved in the budget consultation process. Many of their measures are being considered for inclusion in the proposed budget. Despite the criticism from CDU budget expert Mathias Middelberg, Olaf Scholz, as the Coalition leadership, remains focused on presenting a coherent economic strategy this month. Scholz has stressed the need for thorough discussions within the coalition before presenting the details to the Bundestag. The economic situation necessitates careful consideration of each proposed measure, a responsibility that Olaf Scholz and his team are taking seriously.

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