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Scholz and the coalition alliance critique following the regional elections

The leaders of Bavaria and Hesse, Markus Söder (CSU) and Boris Rhein (CDU), fiercely denounced the federal traffic light coalition and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) following the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony, voicing their disapproval.

Scholz and the coalition alliance critique following the regional elections

Söder declared, the coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP in Berlin is no more. "It would be the best thing for the nation if this three-colored traffic light would cease to operate, and the Federal Chancellor would resign."

Rhein criticized the federal government in a similar fashion as a guest speaker at the CSU event, labeling it a "broke traffic light." He held it entirely responsible for the AfD's election victory in Thuringia and Saxony. "Germany doesn't need this traffic light - Germany doesn't need stagnation and strife," said Rhein.

The Hessian Minister-President argued that the traffic light coalition only addresses migratory issues superficially. "We're dealing with a significant terrorism threat due to migration." However, the federal government doesn't stop illegal migration.

Rhein advocated for a pause in refugee acceptance from "danger zones." He suggested a change in migration policy. "The Federal Chancellor fails to grasp the gravity of the situation," said Rhein. He urged Scholz to make migration his top concern.

The Hessian CDU dignitary stated that the time is now for the Union. He firmly supported Söder, who stands for decisive policy and strong leadership. "Söder instead of hesitation, that should be the slogan in Germany," said Rhein.

CDU and CSU aim to determine their chancellor candidate for the federal election next year soon. It's anticipated that CDU leader Friedrich Merz will secure the chancellor candidacy. However, Söder also expresses interest.

The AfD gained significant momentum in Thuringia and Saxony due to the perceived failures of the traffic light coalition, which includes the SPD, Greens, and FDP, according to Rhein. Despite Rhein's calls for the Federal Chancellor, Scholz, to prioritize migration, the AfD, such as the AfD, continues to criticize the federal government's handling of migration.

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