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Scholz acknowledges challenges within traffic light coalition, yet chancellorship candidacy remains assured.

Scholz, the Federal Chancellor of SPD, openly acknowledges recurring difficulties in the decision-making process within his administrative union. Despite yielding positive outcomes overall, the government, as Scholz stated to ARD TV on the G7 summit in Bari, Italy, Scholz explained that the...

Giorgia Meloni (.l), Ursula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz
Giorgia Meloni (.l), Ursula von der Leyen and Olaf Scholz

Scholz acknowledges challenges within traffic light coalition, yet chancellorship candidacy remains assured.

"People are saying change is coming," Scholz emphasized, keeping self-criticism minimal throughout his speech. The challenges faced by the Traffic Light [coalition] were, interestingly enough, what kept him motivated. There was no hesitation in his decision to vie for the position of SPD's chancellor candidate in the upcoming Bundestag election next year.

Unfortunately, all three parties of the Traffic Light [coalition] took a significant hit during the recent European election. On both a domestic and European level, conservative parties under the European People's Party (EPP), such as the CDU and CSU, as well as right-wing, right-populist, and extreme right parties like the AfD, emerged as the election's prominent winners.

Source: Original text in German

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