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Schleswig-Holstein only 6.6 minutes without electricity in 2022

Power outages were rare in Schleswig-Holstein last year. According to grid operator SH Netz, there is a simple reason for this.

Light is only on in one apartment in an apartment
Light is only on in one apartment in an apartment

Schleswig-Holstein only 6.6 minutes without electricity in 2022

According to SH Netz, people in Schleswig-Holstein were without electricity for an average of just 6.6 minutes per household last year. This puts the outage time in its grid area well below the national average of around 12.2 minutes, as the operator reported.

According to the Federal Network Agency, the average time without power for the whole of Schleswig-Holstein in 2022 was 7.74 minutes. The grid operator SH was initially unable to provide an explanation for the different figures

According to the electricity grid operator SH Netz, the reason for the few outages in Schleswig-Holstein is that the majority of all low- and medium-voltage lines are laid underground as cables. This means that the approximately 47,000 kilometer-long grid is well protected from wind and weather.

"The use of state-of-the-art grid control technology, extensive cabling measures and a strong presence on site are the basis for this positive development in terms of faults," emphasized SH Netz board member Benjamin Merkt. "In addition, we have been investing several hundred million euros in the expansion and maintenance of the grids for many years."

According to the Federal Network Agency, the state with the fewest outages in 2022 was Saarland, where the power was out for just 6.08 minutes last year. Hamburg is still below the national average at 9.79 minutes, while Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania only just exceeds it at 12.99 minutes.

  1. Despite the minimal electricity outages, there's still a need for continuous investment in grid expansion and maintenance to ensure energy reliability for all consumers.
  2. The low electricity outage times in Schleswig-Holstein can be attributed to factors such as underground cable installation, advanced grid technology, and substantial investments in grid infrastructure.


