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Scharfrichterhaus co-founder worries about the next generation of cabaret artists

The co-founder of the Passau Scharfrichterhaus, Walter Landshuter, is worried about the next generation of cabaret artists in Germany. "I'm not very optimistic," he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Monday). "There is actually an insane amount of material for satire, but people who have the talent...

The founders of the Scharfrichterhaus, Edgar Liegl (l) and Walter Landshuter (r).
The founders of the Scharfrichterhaus, Edgar Liegl (l) and Walter Landshuter (r).

Theater - Scharfrichterhaus co-founder worries about the next generation of cabaret artists

The co-founder of the Passau Scharfrichterhaus, Walter Landshuter, is worried about the next generation of cabaret artists in Germany. "I'm not very optimistic," he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Monday). "There is actually an insane amount of material for satire, but people who have the talent and commitment to really say something are few and far between."

This is mainly due to the stories that young people tell - not very political, but very self-centered. "We can't listen to these stories any more. I hope this is a temporary phenomenon, maybe it's because of social media, where you can spout these things," said Landshuter.

The Executioner's Axe has been regularly awarded at the Executioner's House since 1983. It is considered one of the most prestigious cabaret competitions in the German-speaking world. The first winner was Hape Kerkeling. The next competition is due to take place this Wednesday (6.12.).

"You have to realize why someone is on stage, perhaps in the old jester's sense, hold up a mirror to the audience and still be entertaining. At least that's our ideal," Landshuter told theSZ. "But we have to free ourselves from the divisional thinking. Comedians, satirists, stand-up comedians - the forms are now merging."

Info about the Scharfrichterhaus

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