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Saxony's DRK aids flooded regions in Baden-Württemberg

The German Red Cross in Saxony offers aid to flooded regions in Baden-Württemberg. On a Wednesday, 86 construction dryers were dispatched to Rudersberg (Rems-Murr district) in one of the affected zones, as reported by the Saxony Red Cross.

The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross (DRK) can be read on an emergency vehicle.
The logo and lettering of the German Red Cross (DRK) can be read on an emergency vehicle.

Charitable institutions offer support. - Saxony's DRK aids flooded regions in Baden-Württemberg

Lars Werthmann, Chief Logistician of DRK Saxony, shared, "We're thrilled to not just offer material assistance but also inspire hope to those hit by floods." The essential role of drying professionals is inevitable - by swiftly drying houses and buildings that have been damaged, they allow those affected to return to their usual lives sooner.

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