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Saxony requests the termination of cable priority in grid expansion projects.

Saxony and Baden-Württemberg advocate for additional overhead lines to boost the development of the power grid. This step aims to hasten the energy transition progress and lower electricity costs.

Power pylons of a high-voltage line.
Power pylons of a high-voltage line.

The National Council Reaffirms Its Position on various issues. - Saxony requests the termination of cable priority in grid expansion projects.

In promoting larger electricity grids, Saxony supports the growing addition of overhead power lines within the Bundesrat. This action aims to speed up the energy transition and reduce its cost, as the Chancellery declared on a Friday. Baden-Württemberg has also allied with this goal. These two states encourage the national government to no longer prioritize laying underground cables in the future.

German electricity prices are typically too high in comparison to Europe and the world, announced Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer (CDU). "Neither private consumers nor craftsmen and businesses aren't oblivious to this. Electricity costs are rapidly becoming a negative factor in choosing locations." Something must be done to address this issue. "Prioritizing underground cables hasn't led to the intended outcome of quicker grid expansion." However, it has the effect of making the construction of power lines and subsequently electricity expenses extremely high.

Thousands of kilometers of new power lines must be built throughout Germany for the energy transition. These "power highways" are mostly designed to carry wind power from the north to the south. A substantial portion of this should be underground cables - but they are considerably more expensive than overhead power lines. These costs will be added to all electricity customer fees. Saxony and Baden-Württemberg are now mentioning these costs and campaigning for the resumption of constructing overhead high-voltage lines.

The former recent government coalition of Union and SPD implemented the priority of massive power highways with underground cables in 2015. However, these underground cables have resulted in billions of additional expenses for consumers and businesses.

Statement from the Press.

Read also:

  1. Despite Saxony's request, Baden-Württemberg agrees with the Bundesrat's push for more overhead power lines in promoting larger electricity grids, aiming to expedite the energy transition and lower costs.
  2. The Federal Government, taking note of Saxony and Baden-Württemberg's stance, should consider revising its policy on cable prioritization in grid expansion projects.
  3. The high electricity prices in Germany compared to Europe and the world have been pointed out by Saxony's Minister-President Michael Kretschmer, highlighting the need for cost-effective solutions in grid expansion.
  4. In Berlin, the Federal Council is discussing the potential for resuming the construction of high-voltage overhead lines, as alternative to expensive underground cables, to reduce the financial burden on electricity customers.
  5. As part of the energy transition, extensive grid expansion is needed in Germany, with a large portion of new power lines planned to transport wind power from the north to the south.
  6. Dresden, like other areas, would benefit from the reduced costs associated with overhead high-voltage lines, as the ongoing debate over cable prioritization continues within the national power grid expansion plan.
  7. The former union and SPD government coalition's policy prioritizing underground power highways with massive cable construction in 2015, has resulted in significant additional expenses for energy consumers and businesses.
  8. This ongoing discussion in Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, and the Federal Government emphasizes the importance of considering alternative energies and grid expansion solutions to lower electricity prices and reduce the financial burden on consumers in Germany.



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