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Saxony: Measures against right-wing extremism are an ongoing task

Saxony's government sees the fight against right-wing extremism as an ongoing task. Many measures are being implemented and new priorities are being set on an ongoing basis, said Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Dresden. The government had received...

Cabinet - Saxony: Measures against right-wing extremism are an ongoing task

Saxony's government sees the fight against right-wing extremism as an ongoing task. Many measures are being implemented and new priorities are being set on an ongoing basis, said Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Dresden. The government had received a report on the implementation of the overall concept on right-wing extremism adopted in 2021.

Schuster cited the online hate crime reporting office, where many more cases were reported than originally assumed, as evidence of successful work. The number of 600 cases in 2021 rose to 800 in the following year. This year, far more than 1000 reports are expected.

According to Schuster, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is focusing its monitoring on properties used by the right-wing scene. The minister considered it a success that not a single concert has taken place this year at the Alter Gasthof Staupitz - a nationally known stage for right-wing rock concerts. The Bautzen Higher Administrative Court recently ruled in favor of the Staupitz innkeeper, whose business license had been revoked by the regulatory authority of the district of North Saxony due to his right-wing extremist activities. He can now keep it for the time being. Schuster had announced that he would nevertheless continue to take action against the concerts.

At the press conference on Tuesday, the minister was also asked how effective an overall concept for right-wing extremism would be if more than 30 percent of voters voted for an extreme right-wing party. Last Friday, the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the Saxon AfD as a confirmed right-wing extremist party. In the latest election poll, the party received 33% of the second votes, just like the CDU. "We have to think in a very impact-oriented way, the concept is extremely young," said Schuster. With this concept, "all the machines have to be set in motion". "We are achieving noticeable initial success."

The overall concept against right-wing extremism in Saxony comprises 58 measures. According to the Ministry of the Interior, it is based on three pillars: Strengthen, advise, intervene. According to the Greens, the classification of the AfD must now also be reflected in the concept. "Right-wing extremism remains the greatest threat to the free democratic basic order in the Free State of Saxony. Consistent action against the right-wing scene and its protagonists remains at the top of the political agenda," explained Green Party interior politician Valentin Lippmann. The concept must take into account the heterogeneous manifestations of right-wing extremism.

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