- Saxony invests in extending day care
The possibilities for the full-day care of elementary school children are to be further expanded in Saxony. The federal government is providing the state with 148 million euros in funding for this purpose, the Ministry of Culture announced. Of this, 90 million euros have already been approved. The money will be used to renovate, convert, and expand elementary and special schools as well as after-school care facilities.
The focus is mainly on the qualitative expansion of full-day care. The proportion of elementary school-age children receiving full-day care in Saxony is already around 90 percent, which is well above the national average of 47.5 percent.
To ensure the ongoing quality of full-day care in Saxony, capable and dedicated professionals will be hired for full-time care positions. To cater to the increasing demand for full-day care, additional full-time positions may need to be created.