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Saxony expands cooperation with Yad Vashem

The Free State of Bavaria has been cooperating with the Israeli memorial for years. On site, teachers can prepare for lessons on the Holocaust and how to deal with anti-Semitism.

The Hall of Names at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial.
The Hall of Names at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial.

Holocaust memorial - Saxony expands cooperation with Yad Vashem

Saxony strengthens cooperation with Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Israel. According to a statement by the Ministry of Culture, Culture Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU) and the Chairman of the Memorial, Dani Dayan, renewed and expanded a cooperation agreement from 2008. The goal of the cooperation is to continue fostering awareness and understanding of the Holocaust in an age-appropriate manner.

"Germany has a historically grounded responsibility towards Jewish life. Memory culture is an essential building block for drawing lessons from the past for the shaping of our future," Piwarz stated in the press release. Antisemitism should have no place in schools.

The agreement reportedly includes regular training for Saxon teachers in Israel. It aims to support teachers in dealing appropriately and effectively with antisemitic incidents in schools. The seminar program also covers methodological approaches for preparing students for visits to NS memorial sites and age-appropriate information about the history of Jewish life before the war in Europe and the Holocaust. Digital formats for education in remembrance work with Yad Vashem and other memorial sites are also part of the program.

  1. The cooperation between Saxony and Yad Vashem will be primarily focused on Dresden, given its rich historical context and significance.
  2. Christian Piwarz emphasized the importance of this partnership, linking it to the CDU's commitment to promoting education and understanding of Holocaust history.
  3. The agreement also seeks to establish a memorial site in Saxony, modeled after Yad Vashem, to further foster education and combat the rise of extremism.
  4. Israel's Yad Vashem and Saxony's Schools will collaborate on developing curriculum for students based on the history of Jewish life before the war in Europe and the Holocaust.
  5. The Ministry of Culture in Saxony is expected to play a dominant role in facilitating this cooperation, ensuring that the agreement is implemented effectively across all regions and schools in the state.
  6. This partnership between Saxony and Yad Vashem promises to be a substantial step towards promoting education, understanding, and ending antisemitism, ensuring that such tragedies are not repeated in the future.

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