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Saxony: Deaths, injuries and damage on New Year's Eve

The New Year was welcomed in Saxony with lots of fireworks. For the most part, it remained peaceful. Nevertheless, people were injured and there was even one death.

Pyrotechnics are set off on Eisenbahnstraße in the east of Leipzig.
Pyrotechnics are set off on Eisenbahnstraße in the east of Leipzig.

Turn of the year - Saxony: Deaths, injuries and damage on New Year's Eve

According to the police in Saxony, the turn of the year was largely peaceful - although there was one death, injuries and a lot of damage to property on New Year's Eve. The fire departments were called out to numerous fires, some of which were caused by pyrotechnics.

22-year-old dies from illegal fireworks

In Boxberg in Upper Lusatia, a 22-year-old man was killed when a banned ball bomb was set off. The young man suffered such serious injuries in the explosion on New Year's Eve that he died at the scene of the accident despite rescue attempts, the Görlitz police department announced on Monday. The firework from abroad had gone off immediately when the 22-year-old set fire to the fuse. A companion of the same age suffered minor injuries. A crisis intervention team looked after friends and relatives of the victim.

Numerous other injuries from firecrackers

Thepolice and fire department reported numerous other injuries caused by pyrotechnics on New Year's Day. In the Schönbach district of Löbau, a 26-year-old man blew off his left thumb when a firecracker exploded in his hand. In Leipzig, a 25-year-old man was taken to hospital unconscious after a firecracker thrown into a crowd of people detonated in front of him. Two children aged six and ten were also slightly injured in Leipzig by a tipped-over firework battery, while an eleven-year-old child suffered minor injuries to his eye from a firecracker.

Major police operation in Leipzig

On New Year's Eve, the police were reinforced with many additional officers. The largest deployment was in Leipzig, where officers from Thuringia and the federal police were also called in. Several fires were lit on the streets of the left-wing Connewitz district, a supermarket was pelted with stones and a police station was also attacked. According to police reports, officers in the Grünau district were pelted with pyrotechnics from a crowd of 200 people. A firecracker exploded under a patrol car, causing considerable damage. Two policewomen were slightly injured but remained fit for duty.

Predominantly peaceful New Year's Eve in Dresden

According to the police and fire department, people in the state capital of Dresden celebrated mostly peacefully. The police classified 22 cases of bodily harm, 19 cases of damage to property and 7 fires as "typical New Year's Eve incidents". On four occasions, people had resisted law enforcement officers. No officers were injured. According to the fire department, there were also no attacks on emergency services in Dresden.

Numerous vending machines blown up

The police reported damage to property from all parts of the Free State on New Year's Eve. A number of cigarette vending machines were blown up - including in Neukirch/Lausitz, Meißen, Markkleeberg near Leipzig and Wurzen. In Leipzig, four young men aged between 14 and 16 were arrested for allegedly damaging a parcel station with pyrotechnics. The fire department also responded to several balcony fires across the country that were caused by New Year's Eve rockets.

Notifications from the police departments

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