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Saxony backs the end of cable priority in underground grid expansion.

Saxony proposes a shift in focus in the debate surrounding grid expansion, highlighting the financial impact on electricity consumers when it comes to choosing between underground cables and overhead lines.

Fitters are renewing a 110 KV high-voltage line of the electricity grid operator Mitnetz.
Fitters are renewing a 110 KV high-voltage line of the electricity grid operator Mitnetz.

Power supplied through the national grid - Saxony backs the end of cable priority in underground grid expansion.

Concerning the growth of power grids, the Saxon state government now advocates against prioritizing underground cables in the future. The Saxon Energy Ministry stated, in response to a query, that the federal government should establish the legal groundwork to waive the preference for underground cables.

Enhancing renewable energy sources is critical for the continual advancement of the energy transition. Additionally, there's a necessity for transmission network expansion from northern to southern Germany or eastern Germany. Affordability must also be maintained during the energy transition. "Therefore, the most cost-effective options should be selectable," the ministry opined. Overhead lines also hold the advantage of being constructed more quickly with fewer environmental disturbances.

Thousands of kilometers of new power lines must be laid across the country for the energy transformation. These "power highways" mostly need to transport wind energy from the north to the south. Much of this should be underground cables, but they are significantly more expensive than overhead lines. These expenses will be borne by all electricity consumers. Consequently, certain federal states propose a return to overhead power lines because of the costs.

In 2015, the previous grand coalition of the Union and SPD established the priority of massive power highways for underground cables. However, these underground lines have led to additional billions in expenses for customers and corporations.

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