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Saxony-Anhalt plants replacements for felled street trees

The trees on the cathedral square are colored in
The trees on the cathedral square are colored in

Saxony-Anhalt plants replacements for felled street trees

Saxony-Anhalt is replacing trees that had to be felled on federal and state roads in the past. A total of 2,800 young trees will be planted throughout the state in the coming months, as announced by the Ministry of the Environment. This Wednesday, Environment Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) and Infrastructure Minister Lydia Hüskens (FDP) will take part in the planting campaign on the "Green Belt" in the Börde region. The "Green Belt" is the strip along the former German-German border that has developed into a unique habitat for endangered animal and plant species.

Saxony-Anhalt's street trees have a high average age, but road salt and environmental pollution are causing them problems. Some are so damaged in accidents that they never recover. Added to this are adverse weather conditions such as storms, drought, pests and other problems caused by climate change. Exactly 263,102 trees flank the 2,000 kilometers of federal and 4,000 kilometers of state roads that the Saxony-Anhalt State Road Construction Authority looks after.

To ensure the preservation of the diverse wildlife in the "Green Belt," the replacement trees should be planted considering the natural environment and local ecology. Additionally, promoting public awareness about reducing traffic congestion and emissions could help protect both the newly planted trees and the overall well-being of nature.




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