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Saxony-Anhalt draws 91 percent from EU funding pot

Saxony-Anhalt is still threatened with a loss of EU funding in the hundreds of millions. Around 1.38 billion euros had been committed to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) by the end of November, as the Ministry of Finance in Magdeburg announced in response to an inquiry. This...

Michael Richter (CDU), Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt.
Michael Richter (CDU), Minister of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt.

Finances - Saxony-Anhalt draws 91 percent from EU funding pot

Saxony-Anhalt is still threatened with a loss of EU funding in the hundreds of millions. Around 1.38 billion euros had been committed to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) by the end of November, as the Ministry of Finance in Magdeburg announced in response to an inquiry. This corresponds to 91.33 percent of the total volume.

This means that the state is not making use of all the opportunities to promote investments in growth and jobs, for example. Among other things, the fund is intended to help improve living conditions in structurally weak regions.

The projects for the 2014 to 2020 funding period must be completed by the end of 2023. The total volume amounts to 1.51 billion euros. A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Finance said that the efforts of all those involved are currently focused on making the best possible use of EU funds. A final picture will only become clear in the coming year.

Finance Minister Michael Richter (CDU) had already admitted in the summer that the volume would not be exhausted. "There will be funds left over. I am assuming over 100 million euros," said the CDU politician. "With a total volume of 1.5 billion euros, that is manageable."

Richter justified the fact that not all funds can be used with the coronavirus pandemic, among other things. Supply bottlenecks and staff shortages have led to delays. There are capacity bottlenecks in the trades for construction projects. In some cases, award procedures came to nothing and had to be repeated in order to find a contractor.

The delays affected major construction projects in the areas of urban development funding, energy-efficient refurbishment and research and development, among others. In total, more than 6500 projects were supported during the funding period.

Overview of ERDF projects

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