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Saxony-Anhalt citizens cast votes for European parliament and regional assemblies.

This Sunday, the people of Saxony-Anhalt will decide who will replace the CDU as the top party in the European elections held five years ago.

A woman makes a cross on a ballot paper.
A woman makes a cross on a ballot paper.

European Union - Saxony-Anhalt citizens cast votes for European parliament and regional assemblies.

Over 1.8 million individuals in Saxony-Anhalt are called to vote today, in both the European elections and the municipal elections. For the very first time, 16- and 17-year-olds are allowed to vote not only in the municipal elections but also in the European elections. Polling stations will be open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, with the vote-counting for the European elections starting after that.

In previous European elections in 2019, the CDU had the most votes in the state, accounting for 23.2% of the total votes. Following the CDU was the AfD with 20.4%, the Left with 14.4%, and the SPD with 12.6%. The Greens had 9.2%, while the FDP had 4.9%. Out of 998,400 eligible voters, about 54.7% exercised their right to vote. This voter turnout is a considerable increase when compared to the past European elections in 2014, where only 43% of eligible voters had bothered to cast their votes.

The elections today will decide the district councils, city councils, and mayors, which affects all 11 district councils, the city councils in the three free cities, 101 unitary municipalities, and around 970 local communities. As per the municipal constitution, either a local council or a mayor is elected in every community. Furthermore, in addition to these, the district council and, in its member municipalities, the municipal council will be elected in the associations. In total, this means approximately 720 district council and city council seats in the free cities, 4400 seats in municipal council and district council, and 6000 seats in local council will be filled. In some places, mayoral elections will also occur, such as in Querfurt (Saalekreis) and Zielitz (Landkreis Börde).

After the polling stations close at 6:00 pm, the election officials will begin counting the votes for the European elections. The first preliminary outcomes for the European elections are likely to be public around 7:00 pm. The municipal elections will then follow, with preliminary results for the district councils and city councils of the free cities anticipated around 8:00 pm.

Today's decisions will significantly shape the future of local governance and policymaking in Saxony-Anhalt.

Read also:

  1. Citizens in Saxony-Anhalt, including those in municipalities like Querfurt (Saalekreis) and Zielitz (Landkreis Börde), will participate in both the European elections and the municipal elections on this Sunday.
  2. The SPD, known as a major political party in Europe, is expecting strong support from the voters in Saxony-Anhalt's local elections.
  3. In the European elections, the parties such as the EU, Alliance 90/The Greens, and the SPD have been actively campaigning to attract votes from the 1.8 million eligible voters in Saxony-Anhalt.
  4. Taking advantage of their right to vote, 16- and 17-year-olds will be casting their ballots for the first time in both the European elections and the municipal elections in Saxony-Anhalt.
  5. In the European elections held in 2019, the SPD gained 12.6% of the votes, trailing behind the CDU, but ahead of other parties like the Left, AfD, and The Greens.
  6. The choices made during today's local elections in Europe, particularly in Saxony-Anhalt, will have far-reaching implications for municipalities throughout Europe as well as the potential alliance between parties like the SPD and EU.
  7. As the polling stations in the EU countries close at 6:00 pm, Saxony-Anhalt voters will join their fellow Europeans in eagerly awaiting the preliminary outcomes of the European elections, followed by the local election results.

