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Saxony-Anhalt aims to assist overwhelmed administrative courts.

In Saxony-Anhalt, efforts are being made to enhance the administration of asylum proceedings at the regional courts. Minister of Justice Franziska Weidinger highlighted the need for greater cooperation in handling asylum cases and related court cases during the Justice Ministers' Conference in...

A depiction of the goddess Justitia.
A depiction of the goddess Justitia.

"The legal system needs data from the Federal Office for Migration concerning when and to what extent procedures are initiated for efficient processing in the court system," explained Weidinger. "Alongside this, all those involved in the asylum process must be adequately staffed."

The German state of Saxony-Anhalt sent in an application related to this matter. The reasoning behind this is that the number of pending cases at the administrative courts varies significantly, as per the Ministry of Justice. To reduce the duration of asylum procedures, this number should be regulated more effectively.

The aim is for cases to be handled as evenly as possible at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. This applies to people of different nationalities and the geographical distribution of decisions across the country. Over 241,500 asylum cases without a verdict were still unresolved at the end of March.

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