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Saxon industry consumes less energy in 2022

Industry in Saxony consumed significantly less energy in 2022 than in the previous year. Overall, consumption of gas, coal or electricity amounted to 154 petajoules at the end of the year, 12.5 percent less than in the previous year, according to the State Statistical Office in Kamenz on...

Industry - Saxon industry consumes less energy in 2022

Industry in Saxony consumed significantly less energy in 2022 than in the previous year. Overall, consumption of gas, coal or electricity amounted to 154 petajoules at the end of the year, 12.5 percent less than in the previous year, according to the State Statistical Office in Kamenz on Thursday. Nationwide, energy consumption in the manufacturing sector fell by 9.1 percent in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the energy crisis. Within Saxony, industrial companies in the district of Görlitz in particular consumed significantly more energy than in 2021, with an increase of 9.4 percent. The most significant decline of 19.0 percent was measured in the district of Leipzig.

Press release

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The decline in energy consumption in the manufacturing sector across Germany was partially due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the subsequent energy crisis. Despite this, industrial companies in the District of Görlitz in Saxony showed an unexpected increase in energy consumption by 9.4% compared to 2021. Saxony, specifically Kamenz, reported a significant decrease in overall energy consumption for 2022, with a reduction of 12.5%. Despite this, some districts in Saxony, like Leipzig, recorded a more substantial decrease in energy consumption, amounting to 19.0%.


