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Sandra Hüller addresss protest against far-right groups.

Actress Sandra Hüller is due to address an anti-far-right protest in Leipzig. At the rally led by a countrywide coalition, "Hand in Hand for Democracy and Human Rights," Hüller and her representatives confirmed her attendance on Wednesday upon inquiry. Nominated for a leading role in the movie...

The actress Sandra Hüller.
The actress Sandra Hüller.

Female thespian [who] is known for her performances in various theater plays, movies, and TV shows. - Sandra Hüller addresss protest against far-right groups.

The mission is to ensure that our neighborhoods and Europe aren't at the mercy of rights. We aim to create a harmonious, socially responsible, and eco-friendly Europe while standing firm against a nationalistic Europe filled with isolation and exclusion. This message was conveyed by Irena Rudolph-Kokot from "Hand in Hand Leipzig."

We're expecting around 5,000 people to join the protest starting at 3:00 PM on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz in Leipzig. The plan is to give speeches, and then walk around the inner city ring. Concurrently, there's another demonstration called by the action alliance "We are the Berlin Wall Dresden" at Theaterplatz in the state capital, under the slogan "Stop right-wing extremism - Defend democracy."

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