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Salman Rushdie's wife is coming to Germany for her debut novel.

Rachel Eliza Griffiths' debut novel 'What You Promised Us' will be published in Germany in mid-September, with the author going on a reading tour in Berlin and Hamburg.

Author Rachel Eliza Griffiths will come to Berlin and Hamburg for her reading tour. (Archive photo)
Author Rachel Eliza Griffiths will come to Berlin and Hamburg for her reading tour. (Archive photo)

- Salman Rushdie's wife is coming to Germany for her debut novel.

American author Rachel Eliza Griffiths, wife of writer Salman Rushdie, will present her debut novel in Germany. Griffiths will travel to Germany for a book tour of her novel "What You Have Promised Us" between September 29 and October 2, the Penguin publishing house announced. The publisher will release her novel in mid-September in German.

The novel is about two black girls growing up in the USA in the 1950s and facing the hatred in the country. Griffiths had accompanied Rushdie during the presentation of his work "Knife. Thoughts After a Murder Attempt" in Germany before.

In the book about the aftermath of an assassination attempt on him in 2022, the poet plays a central role. However, a spokesperson for the publisher said that the writer would not be accompanying her to Germany this time.

People are eagerly anticipating the book tour of American author Rachel Eliza Griffiths, as she prepares to present her debut novel in Germany. Previously, Griffiths had accompanied her husband, writer Salman Rushdie, during his book presentation in Germany.

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