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Sailing boat capsizes on the Elbe: search for missing person

A sailing boat has capsized on the Elbe in Dresden-Pieschen - one man is still missing. As reported by a riot police officer from the water police, several witnesses reported the overturned boat on Thursday afternoon. The two occupants had gone overboard. The 28-year-old owner of the boat was...

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.

Dresden - Sailing boat capsizes on the Elbe: search for missing person

A sailing boat has capsized on the Elbe in Dresden-Pieschen- one man is still missing. As reported by a riot police officer from the water police, several witnesses reported the overturned boat on Thursday afternoon. The two occupants had gone overboard. The 28-year-old owner of the boat was able to save himself and was brought to safety by firefighters and water police. His 36-year-old companion initially remained missing. According to the police, an hour-long search operation was unsuccessful until nightfall. Tag24 had previously reported on the accident.

Tag24 article

Read also:

  1. The Saxony police have launched an investigation into the capsized sailboat incident in Dresden, involving potential violations of shipping regulations.
  2. Despite the efforts of the fire department and the water police, the 36-year-old sailor remained missing in the Elbe water during the night, concerns rising about potential accidents or emergencies.
  3. A spokesperson from the Saxon Water Police announced their ongoing patrols on the Elbe, ensuring safety and preventing any further incidents involving sailboats or shipping.
  4. The fire department and the water police have been cooperating closely to search the area for any signs of the missing sailor, utilizing advanced equipment such as sonar and thermal imaging.
  5. The incident has received attention from various authorities, including the shipping industry and international water safety organizations, aiming to improve safety protocols and emergency response plans for future events.


