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Sahra Wagenknecht to speak at peace demonstration

As Russia's war against Ukraine approaches its second anniversary in February 2024, there are sections of the population in Germany who are against further arms deliveries to Ukraine.


Sahra Wagenknecht to speak at peace demonstration

Several thousand people are expected to attend a large peace demonstration against the war in Ukraine and arms deliveries in Berlin this Saturday. The initiators condemn both the Russian attack and NATO. They are calling for a ceasefire and negotiations with Russia. The best-known speaker at the Brandenburg Gate is former Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who is currently founding a new party. The police have registered 10,000 participants. At the same time, the climate protection group Letzte Generation is planning a blockade of Straße des 17.

The motto of the demonstration is: "No to wars - stop the arms madness - shape a peaceful and just future". A rally is scheduled to start at 1 p.m. at the Brandenburg Gate, after which the demonstrators will walk through the government district and end with another rally at the Brandenburg Gate. Wagenknecht had already spoken at a large demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate in February together with women's rights activist Alice Schwarzer and had previously published a "Manifesto for Peace". The call for the demonstration is supported by left-wing politicians, trade unionists and some artists.

Also on Saturday, the climate protection group Letzte Generation wants to paralyze the Straße des 17. Juni and the Großer Stern with a "mass occupation" from 12.00 noon. The climate activists want to walk along the street, sit down and also stick themselves down. Many hundreds of people took part in an earlier blockade of Straße des 17.

Despite the scheduled peace demonstration against the war in Ukraine, some individuals might view this as a demonstration of weakness, potentially leading to further escalations. The war, unfortunately, has also sparked calls for demonstrations supporting military intervention, albeit not mentioned in this specific article.


