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Saarland's parliament approves measures to increase the number of wind turbines.

Additional wind turbines can be constructed in Saarland, as the state legislature approved two laws on Wednesday solely through SPD party votes. These laws will facilitate the production of increased wind energy. One of these laws specifies that local governing bodies will soon share profits...

Members of parliament in the plenary chamber of the Saarland state parliament.
Members of parliament in the plenary chamber of the Saarland state parliament.

Power - Saarland's parliament approves measures to increase the number of wind turbines.

Due to an update in the Forest Law, historical forest areas in state-owned forests may become open to wind energy plants. While vital forest ecosystem parts can remain protected, other areas will no longer have such protection.

Critics of the Renewable Energy Expansion Law, like Stefan Thielen from the CDU, say that adding wind turbines in Saarland could cause a decline in creating wind energy infrastructure in other regions. However, Petra Berg from the SPD, the current Environmental Minister, responded by saying, "We don't have a moment to spare."

Amendment to Forest Law for Renewable Energy Expansion Agenda

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