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Saarland wants to drive forward the expansion of wind energy

Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps rotate after
Wind turbines illuminated with signal lamps rotate after

Saarland wants to drive forward the expansion of wind energy

Saarland wants to designate the necessary areas for wind energy use faster than prescribed. By the end of 2030, two years earlier than required by federal legislation, two percent of the state's land will be available for wind turbines. This was announced by Economics and Energy Minister Jürgen Barke (SPD) and Climate Minister Petra Berg (SPD) on Tuesday.

The expansion of renewable energy is to be driven forward by a new Saarland land use target law and a municipal participation law. It is planned that the operators of wind turbines and ground-mounted systems will be legally obliged to pay a levy of 0.2 cents per kilowatt hour to the respective municipality. The latter could then use the money for charitable purposes.

In addition, around 88 percent of valuable land is to be protected through an amendment to the Forest Act. All draft laws are currently undergoing external consultation and are due to be introduced to the state parliament in early 2024.

The new Saarland land use target law also involves the participation of municipalities in the expansion of renewable energy, specifically wind energy. The Government aims to introduce legislation that mandates wind energy operators to pay a levy to municipalities.

To ensure sustainable energy production, the Government is proposing an amendment to the Forest Act, protecting 88% of valuable land from being used for energy generation, while still allowing for the expansion of wind energy in designated areas.


