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Saarland state parliament adopts double budget for 2024 and 2025

On Monday, the Saarland state parliament passed a double budget for the state for the years 2024 and 2025. The budget provides for expenditure of 5.84 billion euros for 2024 and 5.98 billion euros for 2025. In the current year, the budget volume amounted to 5.4 billion euros. The budget was...

The Saarland state parliament (l) and Saarbrücken Castle stand illuminated in the early
The Saarland state parliament (l) and Saarbrücken Castle stand illuminated in the early morning darkness.

Finances - Saarland state parliament adopts double budget for 2024 and 2025

On Monday, the Saarland state parliament passed a double budget for the state for the years 2024 and 2025. The budget provides for expenditure of 5.84 billion euros for 2024 and 5.98 billion euros for 2025. In the current year, the budget volume amounted to 5.4 billion euros. The budget was adopted with the absolute majority of the SPD against the votes of the CDU and AfD.

At a good 2 billion euros each, personnel expenses for the approximately 21,000 state employees will continue to be the largest expenditure item in the next two years. At 1.2 and 1.4 billion euros respectively, the education ministry accounts for the lion's share of expenditure, followed by the social affairs ministry with just under 700 million euros.

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