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Saarland has the highest caesarean section rate in Germany

In Saarland, more than a third of children are born by caesarean section. With a share of 35.3 percent among those insured with Techniker-Krankenkasse (TK), the caesarean section rate is the highest in Germany, the health insurance company announced on Wednesday. Nationwide, the rate in 2022...

Health - Saarland has the highest caesarean section rate in Germany

In Saarland, more than a third of children are born by caesarean section. With a share of 35.3 percent among those insured with Techniker-Krankenkasse (TK), the caesarean section rate is the highest in Germany, the health insurance company announced on Wednesday. Nationwide, the rate in 2022 was 29.7 percent.

"The proportion of C-section births in Saarland has been at a high level for years and is usually higher than in other federal states," said Stefan Groh, head of the TK Saarland regional office. "A caesarean section can save lives if the health of mother and child is endangered by a natural delivery." However, as the procedure also carries risks, it should be carefully weighed up, especially if it is not absolutely necessary.

"According to the WHO, the rate of caesarean sections that are actually medically necessary is only 15 percent. In Saarland, the rate is more than twice as high," said Aline Okantah, Chairwoman of the Saar Midwives' Association. "My experience shows that not all caesarean sections are medically necessary," she continued.

In the past, midwives' associations have also cited economic reasons for the trend towards more and more caesarean sections. Hospitals are paid more for such a delivery than for a natural birth. In addition, caesarean sections are easier for hospitals to plan.

According to the health insurance company, 96,000 people in Saarland were insured with TK last year. According to the data, there were 784 births in the state in 2022.

TK-PM with number of insured persons

Read also:

  1. Despite the concerns raised by the Saar Midwives' Association about the high rate of Caesarean sections in Saarland, the figure of more than 35% among Techniker-Krankenkasse (TK) insured individuals remains the highest in Germany.
  2. In Saarbrücken, the regional capital of Saarland, many expectant mothers rely on the services of TK for their health insurance needs, covering approximately 96,000 people in the state last year.
  3. Saar mothers, who account for 784 births in the state in 2022, may find their Caesarean sections procedure more attractive to hospitals due to potential economic benefits and easier planning compared to natural deliveries.
  4. With only 15% of Caesarean sections being considered medically necessary worldwide by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Saarland's rate exceeding that benchmark raises questions about its necessity and potential overuse among the population.


