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Saarland has the fewest female professors

In Saarland, there are particularly few women working full-time as professors. According to the Federal Statistical Office, however, they are in the majority at the beginning of their studies. "The proportion of women then decreases steadily until the professorship, the highest level of the...

Students sitting in a lecture hall.
Students sitting in a lecture hall.

Universities - Saarland has the fewest female professors

In Saarland, there are particularly few women working full-time as professors. According to the Federal Statistical Office, however, they are in the majority at the beginning of their studies. "The proportion of women then decreases steadily until the professorship as the highest level of the academic career," the office announced in Wiesbaden on Friday.

At the end of 2022, only 28 percent of full-time professors nationwide were women. In a state comparison, the proportion of women was highest in Berlin at 36%. Saarland had the lowest at 23%.

Destatis on the proportion of women at universities

Read also:

  1. Despite having more women at the beginning of their studies in Saarland, the proportion of women working as full-time professors in universities is relatively low, accounting for only 23% in 2022.
  2. The Statistics Office in Wiesbaden revealed that the proportion of women in academia in Saarland decreases steadily until reaching the highest level of the academic career, which is the professorship.
  3. Data from the Federal Statistical Office shows that Germany has a disproportionately low number of female professors, with only 28% of full-time professors being women nationwide.
  4. In contrast to Saarland, the proportion of women in full-time professor roles is highest in Berlin, where 36% of professors are women.




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