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Saarland continues to invest in Wolfspeed

The construction of the US manufacturer Wolfspeed's semiconductor factory in Ensdorf has been delayed. However, the billion-euro investment is not in question, says the minister responsible.

A power module of an energy converter in front of a so-called SIC wafer.
A power module of an energy converter in front of a so-called SIC wafer.

Chip factory - Saarland continues to invest in Wolfspeed

The construction of the planned silicon carbide chip factory of the US company Wolfspeed in Ensdorf, Saarland, is delayed. SPD Economy Minister Jürgen Barke sees it, however, not called into question: "I believe we must now unfortunately consider the possibility that the whole thing is pushed back a little further," Barke told SR-TV on Sunday in Ensdorf. There, on the site of a former coal power plant, the cooling tower and other installations were blown up.

At another place on the site, US silicon carbide chipmaker Wolfspeed plans to build a large factory for silicon carbide semiconductors. The company announced this in February 2023 and said it wanted to start construction as soon as possible. However, Wolfspeed has now informed that the construction start is not to be expected before 2025. According to earlier reports, investments of around 2.7 billion euros and at least 600 jobs were planned.

"We have learned that Wolfspeed itself has stated that they first want to get a grip on the processes in America," said Barke. The market is looking for "gigantic amounts of semiconductors." For this, secure processes "must now be concentrated in America." The minister added: "This then delays the investment a little here at the location. It is not called into question, that I want to make clear at this point."

Silicon carbide semiconductors are considered a key technology for the further development of electromobility and autonomous driving. The material is in demand because it allows for better energy utilization in batteries: electric cars could be charged faster, drive more efficiently, and thus increase their range.

Barke acknowledged in relation to electromobility: "The market is not developing as planned. That means that old products will stay on the market longer." Nevertheless, the goal is climate neutrality by 2045. "So I am convinced that the development here is not good and that one should quickly change course."

  1. Despite the delay in the construction of Wolfspeed's silicon carbide chip factory in Ensdorf, Saarland, scheduled for 2025, SPD Economy Minister Jürgen Barke assured that the project is not being called into question.
  2. The planned construction of Wolfspeed's car component factory in America, as stated by the company in February 2023, may impact the construction timeline of their chip factory in Ensdorf.
  3. In light of the high demand for semiconductors in the global market, especially for electronic devices like televisions and computers, Wolfspeed wants to ensure secure processes in America before investing in the Ensdorf chip factory.
  4. The delay in the construction of the Ensdorf chip factory could impact the planned investments of around 2.7 billion euros and the creation of at least 600 jobs, which are crucial for the development of electromobility and autonomous driving in America.
  5. The SPD Economy Minister, Jürgen Barke, recognized the challenges in the electromobility market due to the prolonged existence of old products, but remains committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2045, emphasizing the importance of quickly adapting strategies.

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