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Saar municipalities can set new assessment rates

Local authorities in Saarland can now start calculating the new assessment rates for property tax that will apply from 2025. The data for this is now available.

In Saarland, local authorities can now calculate new assessment rates for property tax.
In Saarland, local authorities can now calculate new assessment rates for property tax.

Property tax reform - Saar municipalities can set new assessment rates

Municipalities in Saarland can now calculate new tax assessments for the property tax. The data basis for this is in place, according to the Saarbrücken Finance Ministry. Around 96 percent of all property parcels relevant for property tax assessment in Saarland have been reassessed. The previous data provided a reliable basis for determining the new tax assessments, it was stated.

A total of approximately 560,000 property parcels in Saarland needed to be reassessed. The new property tax calculation is set to take effect from the year 2025. This was required by the Federal Constitutional Court. Previously, property values were calculated based on completely outdated data - from 1935 in Eastern Germany and from 1964 in Western Germany.

Nationwide, nearly 36 million property parcels need to be reassessed. Authorities require data from owners, even if they only own an allotment garden. Mostly, it concerns the property area and living space, the type of building, construction years, and the so-called land value.

  1. The BMF in Saarbrücken has announced that municipalities in Saarland can now utilize the new data basis to determine revised property tax assessments.
  2. The new property tax levy rate will impact all property owners in Saarland, as around 96% of relevant property parcels have undergone reassessment.
  3. The BMF in Saarbrücken noted that the previous data, which dated back to 1935 in Eastern Germany and 1964 in Western Germany, was inadequate for precise property tax calculations.
  4. Saarland's municipalities will implementation of the new property tax calculation from the year 2025, as mandated by the Federal Constitutional Court.
  5. Households and property owners in Saarland, including those with small plots of land like allotment gardens, need to provide the necessary data necessary for the new property tax reform in Saarland.

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