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Ryan Routh's backing of Ukraine serves as a propaganda triumph for Moscow, posing a complex challenge for Kyiv.

Moscow's extensive echo chambers are attempting to construct a narrative, portraying American backing for Ukraine as some form of extremism.

Ryan Routh advocates for global authorities to establish a humanitarian evacuation pathway for...
Ryan Routh advocates for global authorities to establish a humanitarian evacuation pathway for Ukrainian soldiers and civilians trapped in Mariupol, during a protest in central Kyiv, Ukraine, on May 3, 2022.

Ryan Routh's backing of Ukraine serves as a propaganda triumph for Moscow, posing a complex challenge for Kyiv.

Currently, at what seems to be a pivotal moment in the conflict, Routh's vocal backing for Kyiv has been seized upon by Russian propaganda outlets after his arrest on Sunday, suspected of being involved in an alleged assassination attempt on a former American President.

In the early stages of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, individuals such as Routh were easily found in Ukraine. Border checkpoints and train stations often attracted disheveled expatriates with dubious military backgrounds, attempting to create the notion that they played a significant role in Ukraine's real and painful struggle. As time went by, the fantasists dissipated, and the credentials of numerous Western volunteers were scrutinized or proven irrelevant due to the scrutiny of their supposed combat experience. The Ukrainian front line, which has seen some of Europe's most brutal fighting since the 1940s, has always been an unsuitable location for thrill-seeking amateurs.

However, Routh persisted in associating himself with Ukraine's fight against Russia, expressing his support through numerous X posts that year and even declaring his willingness to die in battle. He protested in Kyiv after Russia's invasion and even attempted to enlist but was rejected as a 56-year-old with no military experience. He also attempted to help recruit foreigners to join the fight, but it appears that his efforts were unsuccessful. An interview with The New York Times even revealed his plans to provide fake passports for Afghan veterans to travel from Pakistan or Iran to Ukraine to aid in resisting Russia's assault. However, according to Oleksandr Shaguri, an officer from the Foreigners Coordination Department of the Land Forces Command, Routh's offers to assemble a large international army to fight for Ukraine were unrealistic. Shaguri told CNN that Routh's ideas were "delusional." It was commonplace for Ukrainian military officials to voice similar sentiments on Monday.

Kyiv has many other concerns aside from explanations for the publication of "Ukraine's Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment and the Global Citizen – Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea and the end of Humanity." – Routh's title for his self-published book which does not warrant taking his ideas particularly seriously.

Moscow's prolific echo chambers have already begun to craft a narrative, stating that US support for Ukraine is somehow extreme. When asked about the assassination attempt, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov remarked, according to Reuters: "It is not us who should be considering this, it is the US intelligence services who should be considering this. After all, playing with fire has its consequences.", a Kremlin-run English news outlet, emphasized Routh's interest in Ukraine, stating that "Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that if Routh's identity is confirmed, it indicates an 'obsession with the Ukraine war, which is funded by the US.'"

In the coming weeks, we should not anticipate any fresh or intelligent arguments regarding the Ukraine conflict. Instead, expect a steady flow of new voices and familiar ones, advocating for the impossibility of winning the Ukraine conflict, the necessity of allowing Putin to negotiate a deal (even if it allows him to keep occupied Ukrainian territories), and concerns about extremism within the pro-Ukraine movement.

This does not help the Ukrainians who are genuinely battling to protect their homes and families. On the contrary, it poses a significant challenge to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as he prepares to present a plan for victory to the Biden administration. Support for Ukraine to use longer-range US-supplied missiles against targets deeper into Russian territory had been growing consistently. It appeared that President Joe Biden was set to consent – albeit very late – as a response to popular pressure from allies last week.

But now, Zelensky's press appearances may be disrupted by questions regarding Routh, despite how inconsequential his alleged attempt on a Florida golf course was. This will strengthen the paranoia of US isolationists who believe that foreign actions that appear to serve America's global interests can lead to violence at home.

Routh's political beliefs and worldview were far from coherent, if not delusional. However, in the echo chamber of meaningless rants found on social media, they contribute to a narrative for those seeking it, suggesting that support for Ukraine offers chaos in America. This argument holds that America should blindly remain removed from Putin's conflict.

None of it has any connection to the brutal reality faced by Ukrainians every night, such as being awakened by Russian missiles or losing loved ones in the brutal attrition of the front lines.

Washington's support for Kyiv is significant when it enters the fray, but tragically fragile when exposed to the fickle whims of US politics and the Republican Party's tenuous grasp on foreign policy. The unexpected emergence of a radical like Routh is a loud, confusing wild card, at a time when calm and balanced voices in support of Ukraine were needed the most.

Despite the alleged assassination attempt on a former American President being just an accusation, Russian propaganda outlets have seized upon Routh's vociferous support for Kyiv as an opportunity to criticize US involvement in the Ukraine conflict. With various voices advocating for the impossibility of winning the Ukraine conflict and urging diplomacy with Russia, the world is watching to see how Washington will respond to the unexpected emergence of characters like Routh.

Individuals gather around the athletic facility of a university following Russian missile strikes in Kyiv, Ukraine, on September 2.

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