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Russwurm: AfD is harmful to the future of our country

With a view to the upcoming state elections in several eastern German states, industry president Siegfried Russwurm has warned against AfD successes. "A political movement that invokes the turn back to nationalism is harmful for this country: for the economy and for Germany's reputation and...

Siegfried Russwurm, President of the Federation of German Industries.
Siegfried Russwurm, President of the Federation of German Industries.

BDI President - Russwurm: AfD is harmful to the future of our country

With a view to the upcoming state elections in several eastern German states, industry president Siegfried Russwurm has warned against AfD successes. "A political movement that invokes the turn back to nationalism is harmful for this country: for the economy and for Germany's reputation and success in a global context," Russwurm told the Funke media group newspapers. "We would do well to publicly oppose the AfD's statements: To say clearly that voting for them is not a harmless protest, but a party that is harmful to the future of our country and all of us."

The President of the Federation of German Industries(BDI) argued that Germany thrives on openness to the world and international trade "probably more than almost any other major country in the world". He called for "a social debate, a social movement to show people the consequences". The AfD is "bad for this country, also because it is fuelling a climate of hatred, polarization and exclusion".

The state parliaments in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg will be newly elected next fall. The AfD has recently been ahead in the polls in all three states. The AfD state association in Saxony was recently classified by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a confirmed right-wing extremist organization, while the AfD in Thuringia has been classified as such for some time.

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