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Russia's Leadership Announces Pending "Fundamental Agreement" with North Korea

During a meeting in Pyongyang, Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, unveiled a fresh "foundational agreement" with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. According to Russian media, Putin stated in the North Korean capital on Wednesday, "We now have a new foundational agreement, which will serve as...

Kim Jong Un (L) and Vladimir Putin (R)
Kim Jong Un (L) and Vladimir Putin (R)

Russia's Leadership Announces Pending "Fundamental Agreement" with North Korea

In a recent announcement, reports suggest that Putin, Russia's leader, extended an invitation to Kim, North Korea's head honcho, for a trip to Moscow. At the encounter, Putin expressed his delight, recalling their past meetings in Russia's Far East, the latest one being in September and the one before that in April 2019. Putin made it clear that he's hoping for their next encounter to transpire in Moscow.

Arriving in North Korea on a Tuesday evening, Putin was warmly received by Kim at the airport. The two world-shunning leaders shared a hearty hug on the red carpet, signifying the growing bond between their nations. This is Putin's second visit to the country while serving as the head of state.

To initiate their interaction, Putin and Kim attended a function on Kim Il-Sung Square in Pyongyang. As the images released by the Kremlin revealed, the square was adorned with grand portraits of the two leaders. The residents of North Korea's capital, including a multitude of children, cheered for Putin and Kim, accompanied by a military orchestra, showering them with flowers and balloons.

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