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"Russian President Putin threatens severe consequences if the West employs arms against targets in Russia."

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has issued a warning that severe consequences could occur if the West permits Ukraine to utilize weapons targeting Russia. "Continuous escalation might result in serious consequences," he said during a visit to Uzbekistan on Tuesday. Putin advised the...

Putin in Taschkent
Putin in Taschkent

"Russian President Putin threatens severe consequences if the West employs arms against targets in Russia."

Those in charge should bear in mind that several European nations possess limited, highly populated regions. Taking this into account before discussing an assault on Russian land is crucial, Putin highlighted.

If Kyiv were to initiate such attacks, the blame would fall on the Western arms suppliers, according to Putin. "They crave a global conflict," he asserted.

Ukrainian authorities are striving for the employment of Western weapons against Russian territories. The German government rejects this notion to avert any escalation. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg earlier disclosed that "Ukrainian forces are limited due to the red lines set by certain NATO countries."

Additionally, Putin noted that Western military trainers posing as mercenaries are already present in Ukraine. "Ukraine is home to numerous mercenaries; some are actually special ops soldiers," Putin informed.

Putin warned that official deployment of Western military trainers, potentially from France, would mark "another step towards global warfare."

In the event of a proper presence of Western military trainers, these professionals would face defeat at the hands of the Russian army, Putin iterated. "We'll execute whatever we deem necessary, irrespective of the occupants on Ukrainian soil," he commented. "They ought to comprehend that."

Read also:

  1. Despite Putin's warnings of severe consequences if weapons are used against Russian targets, several European nations are considering their options.
  2. Putin has expressed concern about the potential use of Western weapons by Ukrainian authorities against Russian territories, particularly in light of the presence of Western military trainers in Ukraine.
  3. During a recent press conference, Putin cited the presence of mercenaries, including special ops soldiers, within Ukraine as a reason for his concern.
  4. If Western military trainers were to officially deploy in Ukraine, according to Putin, it would represent "another step towards global warfare."
  5. In such a scenario, Putin has indicated that the Russian army would be prepared to take whatever measures necessary to defend Russian interests, regardless of the occupants on Ukrainian soil.
  6. Russia's goals in this situation are clear: to deter any potential use of Western weapons against Russian targets and to protect its own territorial integrity, as emphasized by Putin's threats of consequences.




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