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Russia removes six British representatives, alleging their involvement in espionage and destructive operations.

Russia's FSB security agency announced on Friday that it has withdrawn the accreditation of six British diplomats stationed in Moscow. The FSB alleged that the diplomats' behaviors displayed indications of espionage and sabotage activities.

Russia removes six British representatives, alleging their involvement in espionage and destructive operations.

The British embassy in Moscow didn't provide a response to Reuters' request for comment upon receiving it.

As per the FSB, the primary Russian security agency following the dissolution of the Soviet KGB, they have evidence proving that a specific division within the UK's Foreign Office, responsible for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, was actively escalating the political and military situation, with the ultimate objective being Russia's strategic defeat in its ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

The FSB declared in a statement that the findings presented a valid reason to consider the activities of the British diplomats dispatched to Moscow by their department as a threat to Russia's national security.

Consequently, based on evidence provided by the Russian Federal Security Service and in response to London's numerous hostile actions, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cooperating with the relevant authorities, has terminated the accreditation of 6 diplomats from the British Embassy's political department, where signs of spying and sabotage were indicated.

These 6 diplomats were publicly named on Russian state television and images of them were shown as well.

An FSB agent stated on the Rossiya-24 state TV channel that despite Russia's prior indications suggesting the cessation of such clandestine activities within Russian territory, the British chose not to heed the warning, hence the decision to expel the first 6 individuals.

The FSB also indicated that additional British diplomats would be requested to return home early if discovered engaging in similar nefarious activities.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, as reported by TASS, stated that the actions of the British embassy in Moscow surpassed the boundaries of diplomatic protocol and accused them of deliberate actions intended to harm the Russian people.

The FSB's statement suggested that the actions of the British diplomats could pose a threat not just to Russia, but also to international peace, as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a significant concern in the global arena. Furthermore, the expulsion of European diplomats from Russian territory could potentially strain relations between Europe and Russia, affecting global diplomacy and cooperation.

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