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Run-off vote necessary in Ulm mayoral election

In two weeks' time, incumbent Gunter Czisch (CDU) and Martin Ansbacher (SPD) will go into the run-off. The election campaign is over for Green Party Chairwoman Lena Schwelling.

Sarah Heinzelmann and Sven Harder empty a ballot tower with ballot papers in Ulm.
Sarah Heinzelmann and Sven Harder empty a ballot tower with ballot papers in Ulm.

Elections - Run-off vote necessary in Ulm mayoral election

The people of Ulm will have to go to the polls again in two weeks' time: according to the provisional election results, no candidate has achieved more than 50 percent of the vote in the mayoral election, the city of Ulm announced on Sunday evening. This means that a run-off election will be necessary between the first-placed incumbent Gunter Czisch (CDU, 43.16 percent) and the second-placed Martin Ansbacher (SPD, 29.74 percent). The run-off is to take place on December 17.

"With three strong candidates, the likelihood of it not working out in the first ballot was already quite high," said Czisch on Sunday evening. He has been mayor of the city on the Danube since 2016. At that time, he succeeded Ivo Gönner (SPD), who had vacated the town hall chair after around 24 years. Before that, the 60-year-old had already been the financial mayor of Ulm.

Ansbacher has been a member of Ulm's municipal council since 2014. The lawyer has also been district chairman of the Ulm SPD since 2019.

In addition to Czisch and Ansbacher, Lena Schwelling, the state chairwoman of the Greens, was also a candidate. She achieved 20.63 percent of the vote. The non-party candidates Thomas Treutler (3.78 percent) and Daniel Langhans (2.62 percent) also threw their hats into the ring.

According to city figures, voter turnout was around 40 percent. This compares to 43% at the last Lord Mayor election in 2015. Around 94,000 of Ulm's approximately 127,000 inhabitants were eligible to vote this time.

Link to the provisional results of the Ulm Lord Mayor election Website Gunter Czisch Website Martin Ansbacher

Read also:

  1. The mayoral election in Ulm, currently in a run-off phase, is taking place in Baden-Württemberg, a state known for its rich cultural heritage.
  2. Gunter Czisch, the incumbent mayor and CDU candidate, is actively campaigning for the ballot box, aiming to secure his position in the upcoming mayoral election.
  3. Ulm SPD, led by district chairman Martin Ansbacher, is also intensifying its election campaign efforts for the mayoral election, encouraging its supporters to cast their vote in the ballot box.
  4. The upcoming mayoral election in Ulm is not limited to the CDU and SPD, as Lena Schwelling from the Greens and independent candidates Thomas Treutler and Daniel Langhans are also participating.
  5. Municipalities across Baden-Württemberg, including Ulm, often have their own unique election traditions, and the stitch selection process is a significant aspect of the Ulm municipalities' election campaigns.


