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Run-off election for the presidency in Iran

In Iran, the run-off election for the presidency between reform candidate Massud Peseshkian and hardliner Said Jalili will take place on Friday. According to official figures, Peseshkian received 42.4 percent of the vote in the first round last Friday, while Jalili came second with 38.6...

Posters of the two candidates in the run-off election
Posters of the two candidates in the run-off election

Run-off election for the presidency in Iran

Approximately 61 million citizens were called to vote in the first round, with the voter turnout reaching only 40% - the lowest since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Prior to the runoff election, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, unexpectedly acknowledged the low turnout and urged people to participate in the second round.

In the aftermath of the first round's low turnout, the run-off election for Iran's Presidency became crucial. Among the candidates, Ebrahim Raisi and Said Jalili were the frontrunners, preparing for the second vote.

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