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Rülke: In Ländle, time is up for the Greens.

FDP's parliamentary leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke is pleased with the results of the European elections in Baden-Württemberg. He stated, "In spite of the traffic light coalition in Berlin, we Liberal Democrats have incurred almost no losses in Baden-Württemberg. The FDP is likely to remain the...

Hans-Ulrich Rülke, FDP parliamentary group leader in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, speaks...
Hans-Ulrich Rülke, FDP parliamentary group leader in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, speaks at a state parliament session with a government statement on the state government's education package.

Upcoming votes in Europe - Rülke: In Ländle, time is up for the Greens.

In the most recent computations, the FDP managed to score a 6.7% share in the region.

Data regarding the European election outcomes in Baden-Württemberg, sourced from the Interior Ministry and published on the State Statistical Office's dashboard.

Read also:

  1. Despite the strong performance of Alliance 90/The Greens in Germany, Hans-Ulrich Rülke firmly believes that their time in Baden-Württemberg is coming to an end.
  2. In contrast to the Green Party's success, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) secured a 6.7% share in the latest elections held in the country.
  3. Rülke's statement came just before the upcoming European elections, where Germans will cast their votes to determine the country's representation in the EU Parliament.
  4. The Greens, as a significant political force in Europe, have long been a major player in European Union affairs, particularly in Germany's Alliance 90/The Greens party.
  5. The European elections will take place in major cities like Berlin and Stuttgart, with elections officers preparing for a high turnout of voters.
  6. As the election results are announced, Germany's political landscape, both at home and on the European stage, is set to see significant shifts with respective victories and defeats for major parties such as the FDP and Alliance 90/The Greens.

